The early release of Microsoft's supposed iPod competitor has reviews showing up all over the web. Not surprisingly to anyone who has ever heard of either Microsoft or Apple, the Zune is simply not cutting the mustard. Indeed, it is entirely unclear why anyone thinks (or thought) that an MP3 player for Microsoft of all companies was ever going to get close to the coolness factor of Apple and their iPod. The Zune, like so many other iPod competitors, is nothing more than a clunky black box that plays MP3s. Oh, it has a radio and wireless. Woopdy do. I haven't looked yet, but I'd be surprised if Creative or some other company didn't make the exact same thing. The Zune is apparently also heavier than the iPod an it looks like, well, crap.
In the video below, CNN gives a hilarious review of the Zune and ends up completely trashing it. Then one of the anchors of the show whips out her new iPod Shuffle, which wasn't even supposed to be part of the segment (she actually had just bought one and happened to have it with her), and everyone seems to think that's where it's at. Priceless.
Here's the video from CNN:

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