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Thursday, May 19, 2011

PowerPlug Contest Upgrades to iPad2 [Announcing the Theme For May Month]

After completing two super awesome PowerPlug contests, we have decided to bring the concept of themes. That is, startups who fall under the monthly theme can only be considered eligible for the monthly contest.

This week’s theme is “Consumer Internet” – that is, companies that are building consumer services over Internet are eligible for the contest.

India’s first ever contest where we recognize early stage technology startups on a regular basis (the contest is supported by Sequoia Capital India). As an applicant, you would be up against the best startups in the country – and the people running them. You would have to come out all guns blazing to win this – and we are sure you would. The PowerPlug is a story you want to tell about yourself to the

Powerplug: April Winner [ET]

world and you should make sure the story is compelling to win you the coveted prize.

As a startup, you get a lot of credibility/bragging rights + media coverage and an iPad2 (32GB/WiFi) as well (thanks to our partner Sequoia Capital India). And this is apart from all the VC calls and customer interest.

Yeah, we have upgraded the contest to give you a brand new iPad2.

Last Date to Apply : May 22nd, 2011.

How Do I Apply? : Use this link to apply for PowerPlug Contest: [May Month]. The form is also embedded towards end of this post.powerplug_march

Quick Update From PowerPlug Winners

The winner, Onze Technologies was profiled in media/newspaper (ET) and March month winner, VisualWebsiteOptimizer was profiled in ET + ToI as well*.

We strive to bring a lot of visibility to PowerPlug finalists (media channels have already approached most of the finalists) and importantly, open up investment + customer channels for them.

PowerPlug Contest Rules

The contest is applicable for Indian Entrepreneurs.An entrepreneur can apply for this contest only once in a quarter. Your entry is valid for 3 months.The startup should be at least 6 months old and revenue making. If not revenue making, the startup should have pivoted the business model/product at least once.The contest is open to Indian entrepreneurs across different industries/verticals (except for monthly themes).In general, preference will be given to product startups as we believe that IP creation is the biggest value and core differentiator.Final decision lies with Pluggd.in Team.The contest format will be revisited every quarter (and will be modified based on response from the entrepreneurial community).The decision to fund (or not) rests squarely with Sequoia Capital and this contest serves no guarantee what so ever.

» Follow PowerPlug Contest on Twitter and PowerPlug’s Facebook Page for further updates.

* – If you are a media company, we’d sincerely appreciate if you could just give PowerPlug Contest a mention when you profile the winners/finalists. There is no harm, unless you think so.


View the original article here


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