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Why is the "preview" is the best album of the Photo Resizer for Mac • January 1, 2010 Category • Steven: Featured Articles, Mac, Tips
Preview app, the OS XApple own application image viewer, Preview, there are many other tricks in his bag - and one of them is that it really is the best album of the Photo Resizer to Mac. Plus, it's free, and you've got to install OS X.
. This skill is the size of a little overlooked because it is a bit buried in the menu bar under "Tools" But I use is, I found it to be flexible and helpful - as shareware applications exceeded EasyBatchPhoto and a lackluster freeware applications like the photo or visit iZoom.
Before starting with the size of the preview, however, be aware that the preview replace existing files, so it's back-up ready in case you are not satisfied. So here's how to get Preview.app the size of a pack of pictures ...
1. Open the image you want to modify in the Preview application. 2. This is important to choose a photo, so that the image in the sidebar is highlighted in blue, make the "Select All" (hit: Command / Apple), so that all thumbnails are highlighted in blue. 3. In the menu, go to "Tools" then "Resize ..." (See picture below):
Lot size photo Preview
4. Image dimensions are now open, and you can now choose how you across all your photos. I usually do, I will be too high 3648 x 2432 image down to more manageable 2400 x 1600, which also reduces the file size by almost half without any noticeable loss of quality. (See picture below):
Resize the image proportions
5. Once you've selected the correct dimensions, click "OK" on the box size of the image. 6. Wait until the image size, which shows a progress bar. This may take several minutes for very large files, or hundreds of photos. 7. Almost done ... But wait, because the new images have not been added yet. Click on "File" is on the menu bar and click "Save All". A progress bar shows the images are recorded. (See picture below):
Save all the images, and therefore the size has been completed
... Ta-da!
OK, everything is ready. The only condition is that the pictures of landscape and portrait and images must be conducted separately, which may be a little pain.
Yeah, I saw Preview app can save money and obtain images of the size without losing quality, which saves time added on, and the status of hard disk space.
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