Mark Wilson
-ncient civilization buit monuments dedicated to the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. This week's shooting challenge, will just have a picture.
Capture pictures from the summer solstice-it's June 21st-sorry, not at the weekend, but the universe somehow ignores 7 days calendar. And Yes, we'll push back deadline for shooting challenge shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Maybe it's a pagan cult, do you have in mind. Maybe it's just a glass of sweating in the Sun on the first day of summer. This call is open to a lot of artistic interpretation, but the chances are, the Sun will be in the picture.
Our East and West Sun shooting challenge has links to plenty of tips and tricks for managing to capture the exposure and colors of this giant fireball in the sky.
Our main focus is on flickr tarotastic. Photography is, despite its position as soon as the Sun. Interesting components are in a burning Red texture, dotted with silhouettes.
1. Submissions must be your own.
2. the the photos must be taken, since the competition was announced (read more on the above).
3. Explain, briefly, equipment, Setup, technology, and in the morning.
4. e-mail submission, not me.
5. the Include a broad picture (970px200 KB or less) and 2560 × 1600 in the e-mail. I know that your photo may not fall into the high offers the exact dimensions, so whatever the native resolution, which you use is fine.
6. One submission per person.
7. use the correct e-mail subject line (more information below)
8. do you agree with the standard rules of competition- If the parties ' submission resident outside the United States.
9. If the image contains any material or elements that are not owned by you or which are subject to the rights of third parties or persons will appear in the image, are responsible for obtaining, prior to the submission of photos, all releases and consents necessary for the exhibition and use of the image in the manner referred to in these rules, without further compensation. If the person in any image under the age of majority in their province/territory of the State of residence, signature/parents or legal representative is required on each release.
Send your best photographs from Wednesday 22. June at 8 pm Eastern to with "Solstice" in the subject line. Save files as JPGs, and FirstnameLastnameSolstice. jpg (970px wide) and FirstnameLastnameSolsticeWallpaper. jpg (2560px wide) of the Convention. Include shooting summary (camera, lens, ISO, etc) in the body of the e-mail with the narrative, was shot in a few sentences. And I don't want to skip this part of the story, because it is often the most enjoyable part for us outside the scope of, alone!
Mark Wilson is the founder of Philanthroper, the daily web nonprofits that deal.
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